Home ताज्या बातम्या Symbiosis Skills & Professional University On pune mumbai – Job Fair organised...

Symbiosis Skills & Professional University On pune mumbai – Job Fair organised for Skilled Youth – inauguration at the hands of Skill Minister Shri Nawab Mallik


Kiwale,05 sept 2021(Prajecha vikas news reporter):-Symbiosis Skills & Professional University , Kiwale located on pune mumbai expressway has opened with on campus classes starting from Sept 1 ” . On the lines of opening of ITls , the State Govt has given permission to start classes on campus as skill universities have more focus on practical and hands / on training which cannot be delivered effectively in online mode . Shri Nawab Mallik , Honourable Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship inaugurated the Induction Ceremony and addressed the students . The Minister said he was very impressed with the state of the art infrastructure and beautiful campus . He added that Symbiosis has created a model skill university which is unique and infact which other states can follow . He was happy to learn that Symbiosis Skill University students have got 100 % placements even during Covid Pandemic . On this occasion over 400 new students who have joined various degree programs of the university such as BTech , BBA , BSc , BArch etc were present . Dr SB Mujumdar Chancellor of SSPU presided over the function & highlighted the important of skill based education especially during pandemic period . Dr Swati Mujumdar , Pro Chancellor said ” skill based education can best be done on – campus rather than online . Students are excited to start campus life ! Learning by doing is our mantra and we have been successful in providing excellent jobs and internships to all our students despite these difficult times ” . The Vice Chancellor , Dr Ashwini Kumar Sharma addressed the students and emphasised them to follow Covid Protocol at all times . He said the university was fully prepared to start classes on campus and regular sanitisation will be done for student’s safety . On this occasion the university in collaboration with PCMC also arranged a massive Job Fair for placements of students pursuing short term skill courses from the university under a CSR project of JP Morgan . Students of other colleges were also allowed to participate in the Job Fair . Dr Swati Mujumdar said that ” such Job Fairs were the need of the hour for providing employment opportunities to students . I am glad that SSPU has taken initiative to offer jobs not only to our students but other college students as well ” . Several companies participated in this job fair and hundreds of students took advantage of this innovative opportunity

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